Pros and Cons of Software Quality Assurance

Pros and Cons of Software Quality Assurance

Nowadays, the high demand for Software Quality Assurance services has grown significantly. Along with the Pros and Cons of Software Quality Assurance, raising questions is also a concern for more software application companies.

However, the competitive software application and solution development company wants to guarantee high-quality software products that operate at an exceptional level of performance without complication.

Consequently, the 2021 Report shows that the budget for quality assurance reached 40% of the IT project. Many companies can enhance their product quality guarantee by adopting the QA process. Following these successes, many businesses sought strategic outsourcing alternatives to ensure software quality.

But sometimes, it brings challenges to determine whether third-party outsourcing provides the best efforts in in-house testing. In this case, the internal In house software testing team can help to execute the testing process. Let’s find out in detail.

importance of software testing

Software Testing Importance

Software testing identifies bugs and issues in the development process, and they can be solved before delivery. This approach ensures only quality products are distributed to the customer.

Properly tested products ensure reliability and security. As a result, it helps save time and cost-effectiveness and provides customer satisfaction. Some mistakes can be expensive and dangerous, so to prevent these uncomfortable circumstances, Software Testing is essential.

Quality control software testing is crucial to the quality management process. Below there are some critical reasons why software testing is mandatory.

1. Avoiding extra costs

Software testing services help find any early-phase bugs and fix them at less cost. It helps satisfy clients and ensure that the time and money invested in this software product are worth it. 

save money

2. Security 

Security is the crucial point of software testing because it is considered the most vulnerable and sensitive part. People often look for well-tested and reliable products so their information or details can’t be stolen.

software security

3. Gain customer confidence

The Software Testing process makes sure the software is user-friendly. Software testers always tend to specialize in certain kinds of software design because it offers prerequisite and perfect user experience and takes care to make customers happy.

4. Avoid Risks 

Software with lots of bugs and glitches indicates that the software could be more secure. These can lead to privacy leaks and lead to vulnerability To avoid risk, Software Tester prevents this disastrous situation by making sure that organizational mistakes and loopholes are corrected.

5. Quality of the product 

A product should serve the user in one way or another to bring value as per promise. It is essential to check the device’s compatibility with a wide array of operating systems, so its function performs comprehensively.

high quality software

6. Accelerate Software Development 

Software testing and development can accelerate the Software Development process and make it more efficient If run in parallel. Because some companies pay more attention to the developer to deliver the product to the client quickly, neglecting software testers, the chances of it can ruin the quality of a product.

To prevent these, If software testers and development work simultaneously, it can avoid such pitfalls in software development.

What does Software Quality mean?

The quality of software can be defined as proficiency in the use of the software. Quality software has to be able to function as per user requirements. When it comes to software products, It must satisfy all the functional requirements which have been laid down in the SRS document.

Keep in mind that even if its functionality is correct, if it’s an unusable user interface, we cannot consider it quality software.

Usually, we wouldn’t see the code architecture, code quality, and code security. That’s why we need to dig deeper into their software quality context and objective when we work with clients on improving software quality. However,Software Quality It’s the foundation of all consulting engagements.

8 Software Quality Measuring Attribute

A software product may have zero bugs but lousy usability. In this case, we can not say this software quality is up to the mark. We can follow a few useful metrics for software quality measurement to fix this. 

1. Reliability

The system’s Reliability ability helps keep it operating overtime. Reliability also defines the likelihood of app failure in cases like product updates or server migration. The QA specialist will launch a series of tests to determine a software’s ability to handle the maximum number of users.

Therefore, the reliability of the product is measured in terms of working on the project in various environments and conditions.

2. Usability

A software product has better usability if users easily navigate the function of the product. That usability testing can be implemented by examining various categories with the help of a focus group. The system must be user-friendly for input preparation and output interpretation.

software Usability

3. Performance Efficiency

Utilizing hardware, software resources, and the level of software response time are working correctly or not can identify Performance Efficiency through some tests. Firstly, stress testing can help to reveal where the system can operate no longer, and secondly, soak testing to determine your system’s endurance. When the load is applied for a long time, and the system starts to fail, it can help to identify through soak testing.

4. Maintainability 

Every different version of the product should be easy to maintain. Product maintenance is an expensive and time-consuming process. So if the product provides easy maintainability, then we can say this product is up to mark. Maintenance should be cost-effective and easy to navigate.

5. Code Quality 

Maintaining the software quality code by writing bug-free is crucial for a good software project. Code quality is divided into quantitative and qualitative metrics. Quantitative quality metrics measure how big or complex the software program is.

On the other hand, Qualitative code quality metrics measure features like readability, clarity 

efficiency, and maintainability. These matrices usually measure how easy the code is to read and understand.

Code Quality measuring for making software

6. Security 

Security metrics measure help to understand how secure the software is since all software products are built for end-users.In the era of cyber terrorism, security is an essential part of every software product. Security ensures there are no unauthorized changes and software which can increase the chances of cyber attack. 

7. Correctness 

Correctness is one of the essential quality metrics to ensure that the software is working correctly without any errors. The application should adhere to functional requirements, and this Correctness gives every program degree of service to each function. 

8. Integrity 

Software integrity is vital to prevent unauthorized access to system functions, prevent information loss, and ensure the software is protected from malware. Integrity control on integration from unauthorized software.

What are the Pros and Cons of Software Quality Assurance?

Software Quality Assurance testing allows many software development companies to save money on rework, prevent corporate emergencies, and promote efficiency and productivity. Below we discuss some Pros and Cons of Software Quality Assurance.


  • Modern software automation can save time and decrease the required time compared to manual testing.
  • The Software QA prevents defects before launching in the market. As a result, Decreased in lost revenue.
  • The QA process detects and corrects errors, increasing confidence in the product’s capabilities.
  • QA process building capabilities and winning trust from the consumer 


  • Due to the testing process, it may need to repeat the process to confirm its error-free operation, which could be time-consuming.
  • Increase risk in confidentiality and security. Because when an organization outsources software testing activities, it may have to share some confidential information with a third party. Including source code, database, workflows, and reference models.
  • When you are testing projects by some third party, you are effectively signing over management control and decision-making to that party. These lead to words unheard and actions unsupervised. This lack of control has the potential to derail the overall project.

Is the Software Developer enough to maintain Software Quality?

A software developer only focused on one application area and needed to know how the whole thing operated. Developers often need help finding mistakes in their code. It takes a lot of work for a developer to find his own mistakes. Most of them thought their code was flawless and had no bugs. But remember that even minor bugs can become a big disaster for a software product.

In addition, an unpopular truth is many developers hate testing because they think it’s boring, repetitive, and complicated. Many companies want to avoid having only Developers or QA testers, which can lead to increased customer complaints. So a balanced approach is necessary,

Furthermore, the developer can test their code to eliminate defects, and QA testers can tackle the weaknesses in customer workflow that developers often miss during code testing. 

Companies may neglect various aspects of QA activities to save money. However, counter-intuitively this risky move can seriously backfire on the company. In addition, if QA is not taken seriously enough, it can potentially be highly damaging to any business commercially.

software developer

Frequently Asked Question

What are the challenges of software QA?

Software QA needs the proper setup and environment for software testing. Often server issues are faced during software testing while the load is increased. As a result of the required restart of the system every time, it can be challenging for the software Quality and Assurance team to check for quality control methods in software testing.

Does every software company need quality assurance?

QA is part of the software development agile methodology. Every software system or application needs to undergo a QA check right from the beginning. It can help build a very reliable and robust design and save companies extra costs, maintain product quality, increase reliability and increase productivity in quality management.

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